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Windows 11 Finally Gets Vertical Taskbar – Thanks to a Third-Party Mod

Windows 11 Finally Gets Vertical Taskbar – Thanks to a Third-Party Mod

Windows 11 finally gets support for a vertical taskbar, thanks to the Windhawk mod. Learn how to install and enjoy this (unofficial) new feature on your PC.

The Taskbar Revolution: Finally Vertical, But Not Thanks to Microsoft

Ah, Microsoft! Always ready to surprise us with improvements… or not. Windows 11, about to celebrate its third anniversary, finally has a vertical taskbar. But surprise: it wasn’t the tech giant that gifted us this innovation, but a third-party mod. And yes, we’re laughing (or crying?) with you.

The Taskbar Saga

So, you thought moving the taskbar to the sides or top of the screen would be a basic function, right? Well, Microsoft doesn’t agree. While the community has been begging for a vertical taskbar, the company was busy with… well, who knows? Thankfully, some anonymous heroes decided to take matters into their own hands and created the Windhawk module, which is available for free.

How to Get Started

First, take a deep breath and prepare for the magic. Windhawk is completely open-source. To move your taskbar to the side (or top, if you’re feeling really bold), just download Windhawk, install the mod, and voilà! More vertical space for your precious content.

The Reality of Free Mods

Now, a friendly warning: like any free mod, Windhawk comes with its own bugs. The Start menu will still appear in the middle of the screen, windows may behave strangely, and shortcut lists can pop up in random places. And of course, if you have other mods customizing your taskbar, you’ll need to disable them. In short, perfection is still a way off.

Waiting on Microsoft

In the meantime, we sit here waiting for Microsoft to decide if moving the taskbar is a priority or not. Until then, our thanks go to the creators of Windhawk for giving us an option, even if it’s not perfect.


Windows 11, vertical taskbar, Windhawk mod, Windows 11 customization, Microsoft, open-source, Start menu, taskbar customization, Windhawk mod bugs, community support, Windows 11 improvements.

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